What do you want in Scaler 3.0?

Cakewalk has a lot of legacy code from pre Windows 95 era.

Stability is the no.1 reason most users have given up on it.

They need to migrate the app to a modern code base.

The app is save-able if Bandlab is serious.

Strange thing I noticed is that all the features of Cakewalk are found inside Studio One. It would seem Gibson sold Cakewalk IP to Presonus.

Cakewalk was the first DAW, I tried but couldn’t use. It was often bundled with Creative Soundblaster audio cards.

TRUE. I had my first Cakewalk when I bought a Creative Soundblaster card.

I’ve mentioned this before but had no response. I would like to be able to drag a selection of chords from Scaler to my DAW and it would be great if the chord names could be transferred to the DAW as well. I don’t know if this is possible but it would speed up my workflow when writing full tracks and copying and pasting sections.
Scaler has already identified the chords anyway.

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Possible dependent on your DAW:

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Thanks davide for the update.
I’ve tried both methods without success, so it seems that my DAW (Mixcraft pro studio9) doesn’t support this function. Are there any video clips out there of this in action in other DAWs?

I’ve only seen that work in Reaper.
In other DAWs you have to copy the names to the clipboard, copy there again, and return to the DAW to paste into the timeline
See also this article in the Forum

It would be great if the names could be directly copied into any DAW, and I include myself in that request. But since it works in Reaper, I think it’s a problem with those DAWs and not with Scaler. Any solution welcome of course

I can confirm - this works very well in Reaper. Maybe this is just not visible in other DAWs because of the combination of colors in takes, the characters being too pale or without enough contrast. I must admit that even in Reaper they are a bit difficult to see but i need to find a better color combination in my DAW, not in Scaler.

Edit: Screen Shots:

  1. Section A (selected chords):

  2. Drag & Drop chords to a track in Reaper

  3. The result of Drag & Drop

  4. Zoom (in Reaper)

As you may see, the names of chords are exactly the same as in the section A

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In STUDIO ONE, I can put the SCALER chord progression in the top chord track of STUDIO ONE.

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Hi there, I have been using Logic Pro for years and in the last year I have found Scaler 2 a great creative and educational tool.

From my perspective in version 3, I would like to see some kind of ability to quickly edit the riffs, bass, melody etc provided. I often use the Logic Pro X arpeggiator interface which allows me to take Scaler 2 chords and quickly adjust when notes and chords play in a bar, with velocity control and an element of note randomness if selected. The key is I play part of my track while interactively adjusting the arpeggiator to find a good fit.

Although this can already be done with Scaler midi record and an editor, it does not have the immediacy of integrated riff manipulation while browsing presets. The facility for randomness within certain parameters can also break up the repetitiveness I can find myself falling into with compositions.

Great to see Scaler going from strength to strength!

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I can confirm - this works very well in Reaper. Maybe this is just not visible in other DAWs because of the combination of colors in takes, the characters being too pale or without enough contrast. I must admit that even in Reaper they are a bit difficult to see but i need to find a better color combination in my DAW, not in Scaler.

If you wish to make the chord titles more prominent in Reaper, simply select:

Actions > Show Action List > In “Filter” type “Theme Tweak”, then click on “Theme Development” > In “Filter” type “Markers” > Change the colour labelled “Markers” to a more prominent colour.


Thanks Phyllin17. I changed a lot of things in colors, but not markers.
Now, thanks to your advice, I did it and it changed the way I see the chords. This is perfect :slight_smile:


Cheers Miki …
Glad you found it useful my friend.
Take care bro!!

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Pardon me. You want a piano roll view to do midi tweaking or edits?! :thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_monocle:

Apologies if I did not explain myself clearly.

I would like to see a drop down editor appear within Scaler when melody, bass etc presets are selected and played. The editor would work in a similar way to Logic Pro X arpeggiator, allowing various editing and manipulation of chords and notes over 8 bars or so.

The immediacy of this feature would help speed up workflow. :rocket:


I agree. Scaler Devs over to you.

Great thread. I like a lot of what’s asked for and +1 most of it.

This may sound trivial but it isn’t. I’d like the Unions “bug” corrected if possible. As it is now if a Unison (single note) in used in place of a chord in a Pattern when the project is saved, closed and re-open later, the Unions are all removed. The work-around is to use Octave and then mute or delete the unneeded notes. This is not a perfect solution for various reasons. If I had one wish it would be this simple thing worked better. One reason is that guitar parts often feature a chord and some single notes. I’ll leave it at that.

If Scaler stopped right here it would be one of the best musical tools I’ve ever used and I’d use it, as is, for years.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Sic! Logic doesn´t support this.

Logic, no. Neither does Ableton; … but Reaper, yes
There are some articles in the forum in which we explain how it can be done: basically, select the chords you want to copy, right click and copy to clipboard; go to clipboard, paste, select and copy again. Then, in your DAW place a marker and by putting the name PASTE
In any case, I adhere to the request, since it should be easier and more comfortable to be able to copy the chords to the timeline of any DAW

But isn’t this a DAW thing? How would Scaler account for the different or non-existant way that each DAW handle this info from Scaler? Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t see how that is even possible since there is no standard for that. Maybe that not what you mean here.

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Yes Jamieh. Perhaps I was too hasty in making the request myself, since I am aware (and I think I once recognized it that way) that it is not a problem of Scaler, but of the developers of those DAWs. In fact, if Reaper does it perfectly, it is not understood that the rest cannot do it. apologies

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