What do you want in Scaler 3.0?

The word you are looking for is “advise,” and my reading comprehension is just fine. Thanks

+1 This would be useful, especially if you can save it as user pattern, think custom strumming, and custom arps.

I think it would be useful to have a one octave visualizer that shows the notes of the scale.

I know you can show that with the blue “finger nails” in the main keyboard, but it is so messy to see those, with the played notes, with the chord binding range, with the edit notes.

Just a small one octave somewhere on the side to help me remember what notes are part of the selected scale.

A way to find rhythms / performances based on ‘I want it to sound a bit like this’ eg a tap to find, or a grid of some sort for tapping out a set of beats. I know all the Italian is ‘proper music nomenclature’ but if you don’t know it (like me) it ends up as guessing. A way to find things would be great.
It’s a bit like EZBass can list its midi library in order of closeness to either a midi pattern or a tap 2 find.

I am with yorkeman, the people behind Scaler did a great job with Scaler 1, and Scaler 2 was a fantastic revolution. Every point (2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6) has a good improvement, but I guess that Scaler 3 will be another revolution, whatever they do I will be pleased.
In this thread we are summing our proposals, I am just subscribing swingmix’s proposals with some detail:

  1. expand perform area with midi input and options.
    Scaler is already well developed for chord sequences, there is a song tab, an artist tab and you can save your own chord sequences in the user tab. Keep growing there, you are currently the best. This is all about chord sequences.
    In the Perform area, we have arp, phrases and performances, which are midi melodies and rythms but we cannot save our owns and organize them. It is a pity because when these are adapted to chords notes or scale, something beautifully new happens. This midi melody - chord sequence interaction was explored by youtube videos connecting ReMIDI2 to Scaler 2, that is an external software providing the midi melody. ReMIDI has the database, it’s midi, it’s open. Opens midi, saves midi. A huge database gets into that, Freemidi.org for instance. So, let’s make Scaler work with ReMIDI: have the chords muted and play the midi melody adapted to the scale. Currently you can mute the chords in the settings only if we select chords notes in the Perform area. Swingmix opens a door when he proposes to divide the keyboard, please leave an option to make chord selections in the lower keyboard muted when playing melodies in the upper part. This would make Scaler shine without hearing the chords! Zen…
  2. I also agree not to expand too much the sampled sound presets, while I would have liked having a couple of controls to make it a little more flexible, e.g. adapt attack/decay on some synth sounds.
  3. I subscribe that some more variation in velocity and timing than the current humanization would fit. In modern synths we have a random feature all around in vogue in every synth department, also in the arpeggiators, that makes sequences fluctuating just a little (in small amounts). My daw has a midi LFO, with some shapes and phase which can be directed to midi values and long duration (up to 16 bars). You could be inspired by these examples and have them within Scaler directed to velocity and timing, either in the Humanization area or in the edit area. (The best synths allow us to import also LFO shapes…)

Cheers, keep up the good job, I am currently following the producertech videos

ChordFN have a nice strummer function, you can set the delay per note. So strum up/down or mixed, and slow or fast, or the two low notes fast and the three higher fast, etc etc. Becomes a bit like a performer. Great if it also has lock to tempo for custom arps.

But I would suggest there are 8 such strummers with individual user settings so you can apply them to individual chords.

Imagine using 16 pads and you can have several different strums for different pads, or even use it as an arp.

Just one global user strum setting makes everything sounding fake.

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Just so you are aware you can already do this in Scaler. Under the EDIT section PERFORMANCE. Each pad can have it’s own strum, arp, expression. Whatever you want. And the speed on each can be individual as well. It’s already quite versatile. I couldn’t do without it and with each update it just keeps getting better.


Yes, thank you, I know. But what I mean is: If we can control the strum/sequence pattern more precisely and apply it (we already can apply a pattern as you mentioned). But we do not have the fine control over the strum/sequence speed, note order etc.
(I meant to say “Chordz” by ChordFN42 by the way).

My way of thinking is to have more access to “playable” performances. Kind of what you can now do with the Ostinatos in that performance mode, but with user control of note order and timing.

So while thinking of it a bit more. Imagine a small step sequencer (say 1-bar), that lets you time shift notes for custom strumming patterns or inputting notes as a piano roll (with 1/32) resolution, or freehand, or add swing, and also allow pitch bend, MW. You really would be able to program small performance sequences that you can trigger and play with.

And if you trigger them from your sequencer and shift things 1/16, you can really get into some interesting melodies that is playing back beat patterns etc. Would be very useful for both playable and sequenced composition, even live use if someone does that.

I guess I’m saying editable ostinatos basically.

Agreed! Please, Scaler, let the developers who create sounds do their dance, and focus on scaler being a midi trigger composition tool ! ! !

Is it possible to use Scaler 2 or Scaler 3 with MPE+ hardware like Linnstrument, Expressive E Osmose, Haken Continuum, Roli Seaboard, Embodme Erae Touch, etc ?

And still have the MPE stuff but in a certain scale ?

What do we lose if we use scaler program with MPE+ Hardware for fixed scale ?

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Simplify the transposition of patterns to a new key and/or up or down semitones.

I think at present that if you have more than one pattern in a song in Section C and you want to transpose the song you have to transpose each pattern individually in the EDIT page. Being able to apply the transposition funcionalty that is currently in Section A to all patterns in Sectin C would be an advantage.

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Given what I’ve learned today about using midi ccs to change performances; I would like a lot more performances and the ability to add my own performances (already requested)

together with the ability to switch between the built-in performances and my own using midi cc.

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With the introduction of Live Sync in Scaler 2.7 (great feature) I feel it would be good to have Key Switching available from the MAIN page.

At present Key Switching is only available on the PAD page, which makes sense. But with the introduction of Live Sync when playing live with more than one pattern the user has to navigate between the MAIN page and the PAD page if they want to switch patterns, but changing chords can only be done on the MAIN page.

By making Key Switching available on the MAIN page Scaler 2 becomes even more convenient for live playing and jamming.

I’d wish the feature that was announced but not implemented:
more key-ranges, or better customizable visual key-ranges, to drive easier non multi-timbral instruments, like e.g. Garritan World Instruments

I would like the new version to have a better possibility to delineate notes. Just like Midipolysher, but directly to Scaler, that feature. In addition, I would like to improve the jamming side. A third additional feature could be that you could change, for example, a different scale for each chord from the Edit page.

I would like some on screen information for any out of scale chords in section C. Maybe a list of scales they fit with, to help with melody.

Will be great to have more “human” piano styles play modes. Or maybe it’s impossible, but will be great to have in Scaler 3 Random or generate melodies or patterns on the chords which you created…


Piano roll please ++

I would love to see a repeat function on the pattern section. At its simplest it would be a repeat function at the very least at the end of each pattern. Settings for 0-8+ repeats. Meaning that if I had it set to 1 it would play the pattern once through and then once through again then let the next pattern play.
Ideally it would be nice to insert it anywhere in a pattern. That way you could have 2 chords repeat 4 times then move on to the rest of the song.
I realize you can trigger chords yourself to do this but I still feel it would be useful for those who want to stay in Scaler while building out the song.


Provide an option that will show you a visual of your midi. Like in arrangement view.

So it would look something similar to instachords? ezkeys? Where you can drag and drop your midi. I think that would be a great add on.

Crunch that code magicians!!! 2023!!! Make it happen!!! YES YOU CAN!

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