Calling new Scaler 2 users

Hi all, we looking for about 5 members of the community that are relatively new to Scaler 2. We’d love you to help look over some things and ask you some questions about a major Scaler update due later this year. If you can help with approximately one hour of your time and are happy to sign an NDA please message me directly. The criteria is:

  • Relatively new users of Scaler 2
  • A registered owner of Scaler 2 (purchased on Plugin Boutique)
  • Have a profile on this forum
  • Have posted a few times
    Thanks in advance, Davide.

Would be very glad to provide my 2 cents. My profile here in the forum should identify if I have been around Too Long or if I have Too Many posts? :grinning:

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I don’t know if I qualify, Davide. I’ve been using Scaler for about 6 months. I no longer consider myself a total noob, just modestly cluelessly, but learning a ton.

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I’m also a Noob, playing around with Scaler in Studio One…

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happy to chip in. Believe it or not I don’t use it that much, and when I do it’s quite basic use.

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I’d be happy to help if I can.

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@davide How nice it is to see such a request.
Developers wanting to have all points of view and interested in how their program is seen by someone not knowing its ins and outs and/or fresh eyes.
Good move :+1:t3:

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Happy to help out and provide feedback :slight_smile:

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Happy to help too if you haven’t already found your peeps.

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Hi Davide - this is a bit cheeky as it’s actually about Scaler 2.8. I have recently upgraded to Studio 1 V6.6 and it has caused problems with Scaler and I was wondering if I could try 2.9 to see if it fixes them. Here is a short video that outlines the issues …
Thanks and Regards. Patrick Regan.

Hello, this is my first post here.
I’m a hobby St guitarist, traditional and analog.
Professionally, I’m a Cloud architect, and I believe I have a decent technical background.
Recently, I decided to embark on home production to expand my hobby and my DAW of choice is Cubase.
I know music theory, but I was looking for software that could “ignite some creative sparks”.
I’ve tried a few alternatives, but I find Scaler 2 to be the most comprehensive and flexible tool among those I’ve tested, so I was very satisfied to purchase it after the trial ended.
If I may offer some feedback on what I’d like to see in future versions: a Melody Generator that accepts more random parameters, e.g., sustain, note duration quantity and variation.
It would be useful for building alternative and random phrases/riffs/themes compared to the current presets. In this, I think the configuration parameters of Insta Composer 2 might provide some inspiration (even if this software is more of a “roll of the dice” compared to a rational construction of a track).
I believe this could be a useful feature for many situations, for instance, by setting the parameters appropriately, one could also create melodies to use as a starting point for vocal lines, or guitar licks. Another interesting feature could be suggesting harmonic patterns to pair with the one just created, to have a second track for varying the basic chords and creating harmony/tension across two tracks.
Hello everyone, and see you soon!

Hi @Alby and welcome to the forum. Thanks for all the feedback. Scaler us getting an overhaul later this year and I would imagine you may find it allows for some of the things you are suggesting.

Nice video… I think your fix is over here

Yeah thanks but I was asking early access to 2.9 to check that out.