Possibly Rename Scaler as… Scaler?

Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but Scaler 2’s name does create some workflow obstacles when doing midi routing. I suspect most of use multiple instances of Scaler when composing & producing. When we do so, Scaler renames itself as “Scaler 2 (2)”, “Scaler 2 (3),” etc. I frequently misroute because I’m reading too quickly, or I’m not fully realizing what’s flowing into and out of what. I think that, with the launch of Scaler 3, it might be advantageous to retire the number from the production use of the name. Call it Scaler, and let the DAW do the rest.


I would politely disagree with this suggestion. I don’t know how all the DAWs work but most I work with rely on the name of the plug in to understand that there are multiple versions of a plug in. This is important because at least for a while after say Scaler 3 comes out I may have projects I’m working on that I started with Scaler 2 and I’ll need those to continue working. I would assume that Scaler 3 is not going to be directly compatible with Scaler 2, just like Scaler 1 was significantly different from Scaler 2. I guess if Scaler 3 can open up files created with Scaler 2 and operate fully as expected I would change my mind. But I don’t know too many plug in that take that approach. I have to install old versions of Kontakt so that my DAW can open the old files, although that’s specifically because NI keeps changing the name I guess. Anyway, unless the transition between 2 and 3 is 100% seamless, I’d rather have a new name for Scaler 3 because I can certainly see a significant time period where I am going to want both versions installed.
I suggest you just take the few seconds it takes to just give each instance a unique name. At least that works well in Cubase/Nuendo for me. It’s a good practice anyway if you ever need to leave a project sit for a while and come back to it later.

I get it and what you say makes sense. Mostly, I want to get the number out of the name, so it’s easier to distinguish the instances when you’ve got several running at once.

once i load a VI - i rename it for the part it plays (except in case of Kontakt where i have 2-3 instruments (or more) loaded). so if Scaler is playing bass, it’s renamed UBASS or PBASS, guitar is renamed AGUITAR or EGUITAR etc… i try to avoid using the generic name. in Cakewalk, the synths get an instance number regardless of naming (so if i have Scaler driving two basses, i’ll have PBASS (1) and UBASS (2) but i can simply ignore the numbering because i have the proper naming.
i would presume other DAW you can rename the synth…


My suggestion would be: SCAL3R!

In Cubase this isn’t an issue, as long as you take the time to name your Scaler track. You won’t get Scaler 2, Scaler 2(2), etc… if you just take the time to Name them. I just call them Scaler C1, Scaler C2, Scaler B1, Scaler M1,etc… short for Chords, Bass, Melody, etc…

Yes, I’m realizing that you’re right - and even Davide does this in his training videos. Good call!


You are not alone. Made the same request a couple years ago. :slight_smile:

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Ha! Yeah, but I realized from watching Davide that I should be renaming these tracks & channels anyway. Thanks for this!

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Good to see you again @TMacD ! :wink: