Scaler 2 Pricing

Hi hi… so what will the price of Scaler 2 be when introduced… and If I buy Scaler 1 today… will I have to buy, pay for an upgrade on May 27th when S2 is released?


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Yes you will. Upgrade pricing should be under 30 USD but we don’t set the pricing. RRP will be 50 or 60 but they are educated guesses. I imagine there will be a free upgrade window. Likely 14 days before release as per most of this type of software.

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Happy to pay an upgrade fee if required. You guys have obviously out an incredible amount of of time into v2. Looking forward to it…


After seeing & understanding how much work has been put into Scaler2, I think the discounted price should be at least $50, and RRP should at least be $100. I know plenty will disagree, but its imperative that we keep you guys in business FOREVER.

You’re a sweetheart. Everyone involved in Scaler wants to make it accessible to all. Money is a motivator of course but I can genuinely say we feel like we are making an important contribution no matter how big or small to empowering people to become more confident with making music. There’s no bigger motivation for us.
Pricing released very soon and it will be very reasonable IMO.


Yoooo, Im a DUDE.

But I say at least $50 cause I know that you guys will have some bugs to iron out, but Im also seeing a massive list of ideas that ppl are trying to get you guys to incorporate, and trying to implement something in a way that makes everybody happy is quite difficult & require quite a bit of time to figure out the best way to approach it. Which brings me to the point that I think Scaler will probably needs to be more user customizable (size of fonts, font colors, ect.,) to be extremely versatile & even more user friendly, which again, requires more coding & work.

Scaler2 is becoming a One Stop Shop vst, with numerous features that will more than likely replace the current ones that we’re using. Include the possibility of adding user requested features, it will eliminate most of the other 3rd party vsts, cause there will be no need for Cthulu & the other “Arps” type vsts, No need for 3rd party Chord Assistants, No bassline helpers, ect., So $50 is way beyond reasonable, cause it will save us from having to depend on multiple vst’s to do what a single vst is doing for us, Scaler2.


Speak for yourself. I bought Scaler last year on sale for ~$30 (most people probably buy it on sale). I aint paying an upgrade price $50 (which is 160% higher than my original outlay.)
Even $30 for me is a 100% upgrade price. But I think Scaler2 is worth the $30 upgrade. Anything more, and its something I’ll have to ponder.

And Scaler2 is not a one-stop shop for me, I use some competing software way more. I won’t mention its name here out of respect, but its my go to for chord progressions, melodies, bass etc.
The modal interchange/modulation stuff in Scaler2 is what I’m interested in. And I know if I buy Scaler2, it will still see some devleopment in the near future. So its an investment.

Yea, you speak for yourself too. When you bought Scaler, it was ON SALE for $30. That on sale price is severely discounted for numerous reasons, but Scaler is NOT a $30 vst at all. Sale price of only $30 is borderline THEFT, and the Scaler team of Dev’s deserve more than that, honestly.

You’re refusing to pay an upgrade fee of $50 (which is 160% higher than original) logic makes NO SENSE. Its the same as saying:
I bought my 8 yr old car at $5,000, and I refuse to pay more than that for any NEW car I get.
Gas was $1.50 and I refuse to pay $2.25 for it.

I could go on & on, but I think your main issue is pretty different from majority of everyone elses, which is that you have a selection of go to vs’ts for chords, melodies, bass, and therefore you ONLY need Scaler2 for 1 purpose, Modulations. I understand that, and it prob would be overkill to pay 160% upgrade price for ONLY 1 feature. But most of us are NOT in that same boat, and we will greatly benefit from ALL or Most of the current features, and whatever new features get added in the future.

Scaler2 isn’t an update, its an UPGRADE. Big Difference! How can you possibly have an issue with paying 160% increase for a GREAT product with 1000% more features? Your beef with 160% (suggested) increase is off too, it should only be a 66% increase, right? cause you’d only be paying an additional $20 over the $30 sale price that you got Scaler1, right?

I think you should think of a better comparison. These are false equivalents.

How so?
In other words, the product was cheaper in the past, and because of an increase, you refust to pay more than what you originally paid. Its the same exact thing.

Only real difference is with the gas, its the same exact product. With Scaler2, its not the same exact product, its a new product with way more features…its a NEW product. Add to that, constant work will be put into it.

For someone nitpicking the math, 1000% more features is a reach. He said “160% higher” but he meant the value is 166% his initial purchase price or an increase of of 66%. You knew what he meant.

And tbh, for most artist, $100 price tag will put it in the “pirate now, pay when I most likely never make it” bucket… which helps no one

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Im not nitpicking math, im nitpicking his logic, and will be nitpicking yours too.

I said “the discounted price” meaning Scaler2 initial sale price should at least be $50. With an initial grand opening/release price of $50, that should deter piracy, especially since Scaler1 has a GREAT reputation & is such a GREAT product. Speaking of piracy, i think there is 3 kinds of pirates, actually 4.

Im the 1st type of pirate, the Anti-Pirate aka AntiPyr8. My logic is simple, if the dev’s are NOT paid, then the product DIES. If the dev’s are NOT happy with their quota/return on their initial investment of putting thousands of hours into their products, then they will probably go find something else to do, like write some tunes or produce for somebody else, or become a youtuber…anything really, same result, product DIES. Therefore, I PAY, and am trying to encourage you guys to pay (slightly more)…whatever increase of the (scaler 1) initial sale price of $30 to KEEP THESE DEVS IN BUSINESS & KEEP SCALER2 ALIVE! Its ultra simple.

The 2nd types of pirates are the ones who will NOT pay anything for anything. Doesn’t matter if its $0.99 cents, they are simply NOT going to pay, nothing. The 3rd type, which you mentioned, who have the “pirate now & pay later when i never make it” are pretty much the same as type 2 pirate except they aren’t against paying for something totally.

The 4th type, probably are the "pirate now cause my 14 day demo is up, and I dont have any money at the moment & I’ll pay when i get my other check next friday, or the check after that, but i will Pay. The point is, no matter the reasons for piracy, i believe pricing has very little to do with it. I believe piracy is more “mentality” based. I explained all that to try to make you understand that my suggestion of $50 release sale price will not encourage piracy nor will it hurt the dev’s.

Here is a question for you. Suppose @MasterTuner never purchased scaler1. According to his logic, why would he pay an increase for Scaler2 if Scaler1 was only $30? His logic dictates "I pay $1000 for an apartment, and I refuse to pay $1500 for a house, cause thats a whole 150% increase from what im already paying for RENT. It doens’t MAKE ANY SENSE.

But since we are nitpicking, it ultimately doesn’t matter what I suggest cause the dev’s have stated repeatedly “pluging boutique will set their own pricing” so everything being discussed here is moot.

Speaking of demo’s, I NEVER EVER try demo’s. I contact the dev’s, ask what I need after extensive research, and if my questions are answered satisfactorily, then an instant buy from me. Keeps my machine squeaky clean & lean, without worrying about forgetting to uninstall demo’s and left over data somewhere on my machine.

@Ed1 & @davide Scaler2 is an instant purchase for me, and if I could pay in advance RIGHT NOW, i would. Also, if pluggin boutique sets the price for $30, I’ll buy 2 copies (i only need 1) but will buy 2 copies cause Scaler2 is too awesome, and you guys deserve it. I wish I had the right words to make them see & understand that too.

Just because you don’t pirate, doesn’t change the reality of the marketplace. You’re applying your values to every potential customer and these 4 archetypes you’ve created hold 0 basis in reality.

More importantly, unless you’ve seen their books, every number you’ve thrown out with the intent to “KEEP THESE DEVS IN BUSINESS & KEEP SCALER2 ALIVE!” is arbitrary.

Without access to their business / financials, all any of us can do is tell the guys at Scaler what we, as individuals, are willing to pay so that they can take it into account. And that’s what MasterTuner did and you basically attacked him for it…

attacked him? after reading your comment, i do believe that my response may have been taken as an attack, although I personally dont understand or see it myself. but i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, that you’re probably right. i was aiming to debate, not attack…oh well.

listen, we all have an interest in scaler2, we’re all wanting to buy it & support the dev’s, so ultimately, we’re all on the same team. tuner was saying $30 tops, im saying $50 tops, can we meet middle ground on $40? (again, they’ve said pricing isn’t set by them so its a silly question)

food for thought though. what we’re willing to pay & what they’ve invested into scaler is 2 different things. how do we know they haven’t recouped their initial investment of “x” amount of man hrs & other resources?

before they released scaler1, somebody had to foot the bill, and we didn’t have an opportunity to state what we’re willing to pay. but even if we did state what we’re willing to pay, doesn’t equate to actually paying their initial investment. i dont need their financials to see & understand that. but…if im wrong, i rather that they’re overly paid than underpaid.

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I’ll be a bit philosopher. No matter the price, I’ll buy Scaler 2. Not because it will cost 30, 50 or 100 Dollars, but because of what it gives me. It will not allow me to have more money, because I am not professional musician and I don’t live thanks to music. I don’t use it to generate money.
Plugin Boutique will set the price according to their criteria and they know how to do it. They are aware that we’ll have a great product whatever the price. They know who they need to pay, where the money will go, how much they expect to earn…
So, instead of asking the price of Scaler, ask yourself what it will give you. In my case, it will give me the pleasure of creation, way to express more easily my joy, my frustrations. And this is priceless.


David, I bought Scaler today. I think I want to go ahead and install the version in my PB account right now, to get accustom to it. Or, maybe wait. But if I go ahead with the current version, will I then do a fresh install of version 2 that’s separate from 1.8, with both installed and available? And with the free upgrade I’m eligible for, am I licensed to do so? Thanks!

My comment above just now is probably not entirely relevant to this thread. I thought about a new thread. But being as this was about pricing and upgrading, I thought it might be okay. I can move it/repost if appropriate.

You can run both the current v1.8 and the new 2.0 at the same time if you want to.

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Great. Thanks for your response.

Maybe you have been living under a rock, but Scaler 1.8 with a free upgrade to Sclaer 2 is $49. Period, deal is already there on the table.

The question most of us have is the upgrade price, which I do not think (or believe will be anywhere close to $49).

If you want to pay more or continue to support them, buy a few copies on release. Gift them to friends, etc.

We all value the product, but with Millions of people without jobs and frankly the vast majority of musicians that can’t make a dime above the cost of equipment and time to make the music, to call for a dramatic increase in price is a difficult proposition for most of us.

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