Scaler arpeggiator

Thanks. I think that I need to learn them more

I totally agree, @Bernd. When you mentioned it a long time ago I downloaded it and it works great. Plus it’s free.
I would like to add here a functionality that you do know, but that many forum colleagues may not, and it is the one that the Pigments arpeggiator has: You can send the output of Pigments to another VSTI picking up the arpeggiator that you configure in Pigments

Yes. I see the Cubase MID arp inserts are mentioned and those are useful, but what I find most useful are the Arpeggiators that are part of some Cubase Instruments. Retrologue and Flux both feature versions of the Steinberg Arpeggiator. Parts need not be restricted to those instruments since it is possible to render the Arp output to MIDI and then assign to other instruments.

I also like the Arp in Omnisphere which has some great features as well.

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There’s also the antiquated “Step Designer” which I’ve always found too annoying and finicky to work with, but it’s there and some might find it useful.

I only have studio one.
So, I still look forward to the emergence of scaler arp :grinning:

Phrasebox is quite good. If I could Drag and Drop MIDI phrases from Scaler or other places into it instead of writing them in it would be much more handy to use. Still exploring it.

Cool. Will try them! Thanks :pray:

I used to often ask SCALER if it would have an ARP function.
It is more convenient to export BASS, chord rhythm, ARP, etc.

Maybe AI is more appropriate now? I wonder if SCALER will give everyone some expectations in this regard?