Try out Scaler for percussion!

LOL, can’t relate, my situation is the opposite… I have an affair with Scaler cuz my wife ain’t talking with me no more :wink:


@TMacD and @Bernd

YMMV: my wife talks with me the whole day, so I have the night only to have an affair with Scaler


Now we have all three variant covered. Unless a lady steps forward and pronounces that she found the man of her dreams because of Scaler :wink:

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@davide and @Ed1 wives maybe?

Good stuff!! I will give this a try.

It works so well, this morning SoundCloud mist-tagged a track of mine as being produced by a UK producer named Nat Monday. My simple track was created in about 5 minutes as I was playing around with @Bernd’s suggestion above. (This might happen with SoundCloud all the time, but I’ve never posted anything up there so I don’t know)

In fact, all these tracks were created in less than an hour using 2 custom chords and then just tweaking things in Scaler and the settings in my sampler (PreSonus Impact in this case) It was the 1st time I had ever tried to drive drums with Scaler and it was a blast.

A cool thing… thanks to the way Studio One embeds midi data into rendered audio files and Scalers massive Midi Capture feature, I can go back and reproduce my track (more or less) showing it was generated strictly by Scaler and a little tweaking on my end.


Awesome dude! You can tell you made it in music when others are ripping off your stuff :slight_smile:

Is it a surprise, with @davide 's background, that Scaler 2 lends itself well to Drum’n Bass? :wink:

I have this vision of putting together some collaborative called “The Scaler Forum Band”, where we mash up our various showcases of using Scaler. Partcularly because of our diverse approaches to making music. We could be the dream theatre of MIDI :slight_smile:


I love this idea, and the more I explore Scaler the more I think it is a perfect basis on which to work.

I’m new to most of this stuff but I’ve been impressed and inspired by what guys like Christian Henson from Spitfire does with community music. His (the) Piano Book project, Labs and their world wide music projects are frickin cool.

I know I’m a bit ignorant as it relates to music production, and it is way outside of my wheel house, but as a simple start, maybe we define a consistent tagging model for Scaler based productions in places like SoundCloud (and all the other Indi music repositories I don’t know about). I don’t know if SC or others allow for organic tagging, but something like #ScalerBased or #BuiltOnScaler, #StricklyScaler would make it easy to find those that are creating with Scaler specifically.
I know some will cringe at this (especially those trying to produce for a living), but for the handful of others out there who are using Scaler to light up their inner Beethoven or FatBoy Slim, I think it would be cool. Anyway…I like the idea of a Scaler based v-band.

It is especially the “out of our wheelhouse” aspect that would make it intriguing. I am not intimidated by the professional opinions. In sports they also have amateur leagues, if not paralympics, so the concept of the lesser skilled giving it a shot isn’t new. And even with some supposedly “professionally produced” music I sometimes wonder what exactly makes it “professional” (other than the money grab :wink:

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Just now got to check out the link. This is awesome! Too bad I missed it in 2020. But perhaps there’s a repeat?

Or we’ll make up a derivative, not limited to Pianos, but having in common the MIDI-pattern driven logic, involving all kinds of instruments that can be driven by MIDI patterns.

I haven’t still tested this option because I am still polyshing my guitars, but I’ll try Scaledrums a day or another

Now, coming to the “The Scaler Forum Band” project I hope I can go on board despite I gained 1,75 bucks selling streamings, something that makes me a professional

BTW, why not calling it the Sgt. Scaler’s Lonely Hearts Forum Band?


I see a legend in the making.

If you have a pad based sampler (Impact XT in Studio One), one of the cool things is that you can watch your pattern play and then swap sounds as needed.

For those just tuning in, if you drive your drum synth or sampler with different Scaler PERFORM modes (A), you can tune the notes and timing in the pattern area (B) and (in the case of Impact XT) watch and adjust the samples in real time until you get a groove you like. Don’t forget to mess with the Playback speed and Humanize w/in in the PERFORM toolbar. The more complicated the chord (or note sequence) you are playing, the more they impact more than just tempo and groove. Not a “real” drum machine for sure, but a surprising amount of functionality and a great way to drive tuned percussion (More on this late)

So many Scaler creative paths…so little wine in my cellar.

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I know it’s all in “joke mode” but, if it get’s serious, I want in. :slight_smile: I need something positive under (yet another) lockdown :slight_smile:


I was actually somewhat serious. I’ve been looking for a collaboration with non-expert musicians, to learn & experiment together without attitude and snobbery. All the better when including tech tools for making music without judgment whether that is “real music”. Perhaps we should start a new, focused, discussion thread for this?


Wonderful! :slight_smile:

I think it is a good idea - keeping things tidy never hurts.

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I am interested, as far as nobody asks me to make videos
:crazy_face: :rofl:

Ha ha :rofl: I, the undersigned, lelek hereby promise that from this time forward I shall not ask people (including but not limited to @ClaudioPorcellana) to make videos of the awsome stuff they do. :rofl:

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Hi guys, here is my Scaledrums test

I called it 1st April’s Plumber… dunno why

Here is the xml
1st-aprils-plumber.xml (14.8 KB)

And now I am quite sure you will chase me away from that new group… :rofl:

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