Hi all, just posted a video which demoes how I use Scaler to analyse an audio file and suggest chords to build around it in order to get a tune going. Fairly simple video focussing on Audio Detection, Voicings, Variations and Suggestions. Hope you enjoy.
You copied my last tutorial
I want the copyright fee
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I see that you used Scaler Audio just to grab chords
In my tutorial instead, I used Scaler Audio to do that AND to drive another instrument: what’s the reason why one cannot use Scaler Audio for both?
Great minds think alike!
In Logic you need an software instrument to drive 3rd party VST’s, a little different in its routing that Bigwig / Ableton
In Logic you need an software instrument to drive 3rd party VST’s, a little
different in its routing that Bigwig / Ableton
Thanks for your Logic-al explanation
This was an excellent video and reinforced another key facet of why Scalar is so awesome.
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Nice video! thank you very much!
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