I may be wrong here but isn’t the
part of the Minor Blues Hexatonic Scale (aka the Blues Scale)?
When selecting scales for your key Scaler2 offers a choice from 5 major blues scales and the minor blues scale.
In terms of non-diatonic progressions, Scaler2 can already be used to create these progressions using the mod page.
When deciding on which modulation preset option to use if you choose either the Secondary Scale, Modal Interchange or Mediants option you will be presented with suggestions for non-diatonic chords.
I have suggested an addition to the modulations available around sets of 2-5-1 chords (no 5th) together with tritone substitutions. I have published chord sets for these in the Chord Set topic, but beware: Scaler has assigned some enharmonic chords to the sets, so the chord names may look slightly odd given the context.
Finally, if you wnat “to go way off the reservation” with non-diatonic chords have you tried recording the chords on your DAW and then using Scaler2 to detect the chords. You can then save them using the save command frm the User Menu.