The white notes in the range C2 to B3 are bound to the chords in the pattern. In this example because there are four chords in the pattern the notes C2, D2, E2 and F2 are grey indicating that they are bound to the chords
You can now control the how long the chords will play for using a midi clip.
You can also select which pattern to play using the white notes in the range C1 to B2. I have included a short midi clip to illustrate this
I appreciate the work you’ve put into describing this. If you could also create a short video demonstrating what you’ve done, and the results, that would help me wrap my mind around it. If not, no problem.
I have been checking the videos and one particular on Modulation did seem to show Davide using the trigger track idea to control the patterns played. That’s what I’m trying to reproduce.
Is this what you mean when you said:
You can now control the how long the chords will play for using a midi clip.
If it is can you please show me how to use midi in midi track to control the Key Switches C1 and D1 to control the pattern played?
To use a midi clip simply go to the PAD page and bind the pattern. Then create a midi clip with notes in the range C2 to B3 to play the blocks (chords)